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January 22, 2025
Homage to Fragonard, or, Fun & Learning with your Favorite Museum Snapshots from Gefilte Quilt

Need a fast holiday gift? How about turning your favorite museum art photos into mini-quilts?





Do you take a ton of photos at art museums? I sure do, because I see so many art lessons, about color, composition, creativity, and courage.

These photos are fun to revisit from time to time, but not much happens with them. 

Until a couple of  weeks ago, when the Notre Dame Cathedral was reopened, five years after the horrific fire. 

Days before that fire, we were visiting Paris, including Notre Dame. (I blogged about it here.)  

We also went to ...

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January 17, 2025
Subversive Fiber Art by Women on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

Wonderland, Miriam Schapiro, 1983

 Over the years, I've written posts ranting about how nobody gets what we really do.  I'm mean sure people might understand what a quilt is.  What they don't get is the blood, sweat and tears that goes into a quilt.  Okay, so that's a little dramatic...but really have you met me?  Realistically though, it's that extra "something" that makes quilt making much more than a simple craft.  It's definitely an art form no matter if you do

detail, The Bitter Nest, Part II

traditional or modern or art or ...

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November 22, 2024
On My Mind, Nancy Crow on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

You wouldn't think that living outside of Erie, Pennsylvania would be a center of culture. And it kinda isn't.  But it kinda is.  Really, we're within an hour or two of Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Buffalo.  Plus 3 hrs out of Toronto. As well as 2.5 hrs out of central Ohio.  Yes, you read that right ....central Ohio.   Central Ohio, for you not in the know, is a hot bed of quilting.  Not only is there a plethora of quilt stores, quilt groups, retreat spots but also there is The Dairy Barn Art Center (home to Quilt ...

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November 10, 2024
Nativity. PaperPiecing pattern by Peggy Aare from Wisonsin Quilting

Paper Piecing quilt pattern by Peggy Aare $9.27 Click for PDF pattern download
Email Peggy Aare at:

This Nativity pattern is 27″ wide x by 33″ high and uses 3 reds, 5 blues, 5 browns and one near-white. The Paypal link lets you use any charge card for payment. You’ll immediately be given a download link for files to store on your computer. Ideally print the pattern pages (which are already mirrored) on sheets of freezer paper to be taped together. There are general instructions, specific sequence instructions, a color chart, and some single sheets ...

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October 12, 2024
#2024 Quilting Q2 and Q3 Check-In from Quilting & Learning

Hi and welcome. I missed the second quarter (Q2) check-in but since I found writing up a first quarter (Q1) check-in post so useful, I'm going to put both Q2 and Q3 here. I hope that you'll indulge me - it is a long post.

Second Quarter Check-in

April, May and June

Although I worked on a few larger projects, most of my finishes in the second quarter were smaller pieces.

Spring Tulips was an ambitious 3D art piece. The background was quilted while the vase and tulips in the vase were created with Solvy water soluble stabilizer. You ...

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August 10, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Beach Picnic from High Road Quilter


Ta Da! I finished the Beach Picnic quilt that I made for the June blog hop. Joan from Moose Stash Quilting and Carol from Just Let Me Quilt take turns hosting a year long blog hop. They chose a different theme for each month. 


The theme for the June blog hop was For the Birds. The project is simple, and just needs a bird on it.


I made the quilt in June, but I had not finished binding it. 



I posted the unfinished project here in June.


Now it is finally finished.


I added a pole with directions to other ...

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May 29, 2024
Kroyer Girl — Paper-Pieced Quilt wall hanging from Wisonsin Quilting

Paper Piecing quilt pattern by Peggy Aare.$8.78. Write to me for the PDF pattern download

Order this $8.78 pattern for a wall hanging or tote bag. The finished pattern measures 16″ by 18″ high. A smaller version, really meant as a coloring page, is also included so you can print it at any scale. Piece the 3″ tall individual triangles and then assemble triangles in rows.

This charmingly pensive gal is based on a figure in a 1884 scene by Danish Skagen painter P.S. Kroyer. Click here for a look at the full ...

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May 3, 2024
All About the Quilts On Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

A Fantasy Garden, Christine Weise/Shelley Cassatta

You know when you go to a Sewing & Quilting Expo, you are overwhelmed by the amount of things to buy and classes to take.  Well at least that was how it was for me during the recent Cleveland Expo.  It was a lot!  But tucked in the back of the Expo were rows of black curtains, filled with the most gorgeous quilts!  SAQA had shared a few exhibitions and there were also some from the North Texas Quilt Festival.  The exhibit was so stunning, I ended up going through it 3 times during ...

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April 23, 2024
Humbled … and Proud from StitchinGirlMary's Blog

This past fall I lectured to a quilter’s group in Northern Virginia. My quilt talks consist of a PowerPoint supported lecture where I go through my history of quilting. I then discuss the quilted homes process I developed. And finally I talk about my fiber-art pieces; reviewing my techniques, showing samples, and doing a demonstration. It is always so much fun! As someone who would never voluntarily speak before a group of people, I am remarkably calm during these lectures. Probably because I’m talking to “my people.” THEY get me, these ladies who quilt. ❤

At the end of ...

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April 20, 2024
First Quarter Check-in from Quilting & Learning

Hi, I was catching up on my blog reading when I found Yvonne's Quilting Jetgirl's First Quarter Check in party and post. It's been such a whirlwind of activity here that I thought that it would be nice to actually see what I said that I would do, and what actually happened so far! Thanks Yvonne!

January to March 2024


In my Quilts section, I got distracted and chased a squirrel! I ended up not participating in this year's SAHRR (Stay At Home Round Robin) but instead signed up for Joanne's at Canuck Quilting ...

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March 5, 2024
Inspiratie from Quilting Trui

 Gister zijn we naar Delden gereden waar 2 
van mijn quilts op de tentoonstelling van quiltwinkel "ITY"   
 aldaar in Stadscentrum "het Parochiehuis" hingen.

Natuurlijk hebben we óók alle andere 170 quilts bekeken. Ware kunstwerken!

Door mijn recente experimenten met 'andere' materialen was ik vooral geïnteresseerd in de Art Quilts en ik werd enorm geÏnspireerd door wat ik daar zag.

Mijn Gossip in the Garden

DH bekijkt mijn Gossip in the Garden
( Voor zover er een nummer op de foto stond kon ik m.b.v. de catalogus nog achterhalen van wie hij was, maar ik weet het niet van alle ...

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February 18, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Crumpled Heart from High Road Quilter

 I finished another journal quilt this week. It is a quick project made with leftover strips of fabric from my blog hop project I will be showing you on Thursday.

When I made the Raggedy Heart quilt last week, I knew it didn't come close to approximating the inspiration, which was the artwork of Marcellina Akpojotor. She takes strips of Ankara fabric and glues them onto canvas. I translated that work onto a quilt and I think this looks closer to her artwork. Only the black, white and pink fabric is Ankara in my work.

It is a great ...

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February 11, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Raggedy Heart from High Road Quilter


It's time for another Project Quilting Reveal! This week, the challenge is to:

PQ 15.3 Inside Out

For this week’s project, I want to see what’s normally hidden!
Make a project with exposed seams or a raw-edge finish. Take on a bag pattern or other project that is constructed inside out and then literally “birthed” as part of the process. Or use this as a theme and demonstrate your unique inside-out perspective.

Rule One: Some part of your project must thematically or literally be inside out.

I had decided before the challenge was announced that I ...

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February 2, 2024
Designing a Calendar Cow on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

 I was looking back at previous posts (and when I say "back" I mean wayyyyyy back) and I realized that

I hadn't shown how I designed the Calendar Cow blocks.  So I thought it was a good idea to, since so many times I hear from people who see my work, "I wish I could draw."  I always smile and answer, "Me, too!"

So here is how to design a representational block when you can't draw but you know how to use a laptop, pencil and tracing paper.

1.  Come up with an Idea.  Since these blocks are ...

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January 30, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Where Horses Dream Under Endless Sky from High Road Quilter


It's time for another Project Quilting Reveal! This week, the challenge is to:

Take inspiration from the colors of the sky, but exclude or use less than 10% of the usual blue.

I decided to use my Derwent Inktense pencils (affiliate link) to color the sky so I found a relatively plain background. I knew it would need something in the foreground for interest and decided to find a horse pattern to applique on my quilt. I haven't ever used a horse and I am not so sure why I was intimidated by using a horse. Maybe because ...

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January 26, 2024
A Return of the Calendar Cows on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

January, July, February, October, April, May Cows 

This week my husband and I got optimistic and started Spring Cleaning our spare bedroom.  This room, aka, Tessa's second bedroom has ended up storing all the odds and ends we're not quite sure what to do with.  (are we the only ones with rooms like this?) Of course, it got worse when Tessa moved out since her odds and ends are now in there too.  Included in this menagerie of stuff, are my UFOs.  A while back I did actually weed this group down to pieces I  wanted to finish ...

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January 25, 2024
Resist Painted Wallhanging for #ProjectQuilting Season 15.2 from Mulberry Patch Quilts

I try to participate in Project Quilting every year. It’s a great excuse to try a new technique and play.

This week’s challenge is “Sky Color (not blue). We’re supposed to create a quilted item within one week start to finish.

I decided to try a resist technique I saw demonstrated by Quilter Julie B. Booth on Quilting Arts TV (Episode 1703 “You can’t resist this”). She demonstrated how to use ordinary liquid dishwashing soap as a resist on fabric.

Here’s a youtube Quilting Arts TV preview… see it on the end:

Intro to the ...

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January 20, 2024
A New Adventure from twiddletails

In 2022, we built a new home. We love it, but old "stuff" doesn't always fit into a new place and we now have an empty space above our fireplace and nothing to fill it with.

Even though I do not consider myself an artist AT ALL, I thought I'd try to make a little something to fill the area while we search for the perfect piece of art.
Something neutral and unobtrusive...

 Apparently, I don't do "neutral and unobtrusive" very well.

This may be a forerunner to the final product, but I am loving the process ...

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January 15, 2024
Quilt Reveal: Haven of Harmony from High Road Quilter

 I made my first quilt of the year for the first Project Quilting challenge. Project Quilting is a challenge that was started years ago by Kim Lapacek of Persimmon Dreams. It is inspired by Project Runway challenges. 

Every other week for the first three months of the year, Kim's friend, Tricia Franklin, posts a theme. Quilters then make quilts based on this theme. The quilt cannot be started before the challenge is posted, and must be finished by the deadline, which is only one week later.

Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character ...

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December 30, 2023
Best of 2023 Linking Party from Quilting & Learning

I'm so glad that Cheryl of Meadow Mist is hosting this great party again. I looked at my posts, and I've been participating since 2016. Not bad since it looks like I only missed her first year. Thanks Cheryl

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